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  • Foto del escritorNicolás Dousdebès

It keeps falling down

Assiniboine Park - Wnninpeg (photo: Ana Cristina Salvador)

Subtle, white... It keeps falling down.

Why has it taken the light away?

From my humble little desk,

I see it moving…

endlessly moving around.

It makes me think and wonder…

Will it ever stop falling down?

For I can’t see the sun…

behind its white and gloomy shield.

Although I know it’s not that mean…

I’m longing to see some blue sky,

when it’s done falling on my yard.

In the meantime, time goes by…

Ideas are also coming down.

Straight heading to my mind.

It’s snow, not that evil after all.

It’s light, ethereal… snow…

A million flakes, a winter call,

making my thoughts… silently flow.

Nicolás Dousdebés C.

Winnipeg 14-12-2022

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